Dr. Francesca Foti Psychologist
Campo Clinico
- disturbi psicosomatici
- Paure
- Ansia
- Stress - stress post-traumatico
- Dipendenze comportamentali ( dipendenza affettiva, shopping, dipendenza da internet, sessuale e dipendenza da gioco d’azzardo)
- Disturbi alimentari
- Bullismo e cyberbullismo
- Miglioramento del benessere emotivo e relazionale ( autostima e autorealizzazione, identità, benessere, difficoltà interpersonale, obiettivi)
- Problemi di coppia
- Elaborazione lutto
Campo Infantile:
- Supporto emotivo nei vari processi di sviluppo dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza
What to expect from the session
The personalized attention you deserve
According to the Italian Association of Psychologists "psychologists help people of all ages live happier, healthier and more productive lives." Through the use of various methods that are widely used in psychotherapy and cooperative treatment measures, I help my patients develop new healthy habits that allow them to overcome any obstacles life presents. My sessions are designed to deconstruct personal problems and provide patients with effective tools that can help them see life from a more positive perspective.
Our Services
Contact me
Via Galileo Galilei, no. 15, Bianco, RC, Italy